16412 is the PubChem CID number of our Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA). It has a molecular formula of C12H15NO2 and synonymous terms like Diglycidylaniline, N,N-Bis(Oxiran-2 ylmethyl) aniline, and N,N-Diglycidylaniline 2095-06-09. In addition, 205.25 is its molecular weight that makes it easy to use in various industries. It has 3 and 0 donor count (hydrogen bond) and acceptor count (hydrogen bond), respectively. Besides, our Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) has 5 rotatable bond count that give is 205.110278721 monoisotopic and exact mass. It has fifteen heavy atom count and zero formal charge. The offered Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is extensively used in the manufacturing of binding agents, adhesives, plastic products, plastic modifiers, industrial additives, and rubber products.
Industrial Grade
Room Temperature
Inorganic Chemicals
Industrial use.
FAQs of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA):
Q: What is the color of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA)?
A: The color of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is yellow.
Q: What is the purity percentage of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA)?
A: The purity percentage of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is 98%.
Q: What is the grade of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA)?
A: The grade of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is industrial grade.
Q: What is the type of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA)?
A: The type of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA).
Q: What is the application of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA)?
A: The application of Diglycidyl Aniline (DGA) is for industrial use.